Phil is the best English teacher that I have ever had, with his great voice and nice teaching, my English level is getting improving.
Teacher Phil is so patient to teach. He is a talkative person who would guide you to talk more about the topic. And it is amazing that he can point out my mistakes in pronunciation and grammar one by one before ending the class.
Phil 老师真的好棒,下课前能把上课时的词汇、语法错法一一纠正,在谈话题时可以很好地启发、引导,通过上课能增加新词汇,拓宽思维。
Phil 很健谈,能很好地理解我所表达的内容并会提出更好的建议,而且每节课在下课前将发音不对的词,有语法错误的句子一一指出并纠正,并在每日评语中详细说明为什么错以及正确用法,非常清晰。在反馈中提出改进建议。非常耐心、细致。很好的老师